My Barn Studio

My Barn Studio
Where the magic happens!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Raising Money for Animal Rescue

I was cruising through etsy the other day and hit on a site where all the money earned went to a rescue group. Having been very involved in animal rescue in the past and knowing how hard it is to keep fund flowing, I decided to jump on board and do this idea to. Sooooo I started an etsy site called 'For Animal Rescue, where 100% of the profits go to the Cheatham County Animal Shelter. I just added a few of my own items today and will keep adding items I wish to donate as I have time. I plan on turning this in to a collective effort and get other artists to donate items as well.

My husband, John, and I had in the past volunteered as a foster parent , helped with events, etc. but with John now being handicapped, I thought this would be a way to still stay active in the rescue world but not be overwhelmed with caring for a dog or cat. I may get back into that later, but for now 'For Animal Rescue' will be my volunteer effort.

Go to to see what is for sale. There are a few items now, but check back from time to time to see what has been donated!!

Cat Carter

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Kind of Jewelry

When you find a shop that has stuff you REALLY like you sometime want to share this shop with others. I found such a shop that has eclectic, hippie, bohemian, earthy type jewelry that fits my taste. This artist is not doing the same old earrings , braclets, etc. that everyone else is doing. They are pieces of art  and reasonably priced. She uses copper accents in many of her works that I have not seen anywhere else! Very unusual! I found her on etsy, or actually she found me on etsy, when she favorited some of my items and shop. I often look at who likes my stuff and I went WOW when I saw what she was doing.

You will be seeing me wearing her earrings and braclets soon!!!

Go to to check her stuff out!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours

Why is it that when you get one custom stained glass job that is going to tie you up awhile, you get more jobs in and other inquiries on top of that. When it rains, it pours. Not that I am complaining. I just wonder where everyone was in February when I had nothing to do.

Yeah, I got my first Tiffany Lamp commission in many years. And it is to be shipped to Scotland!! It has been hard to compete with all the lamps and other stained glass items made in China and Mexico. I can't work for .50cents and hour. It is nice when someone really appreciates the work of an artist trying to make a living.