My Barn Studio

My Barn Studio
Where the magic happens!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My First Blog

Well, it is official. Cat Carter is now a blogger!!! I resisted for so long but figured I had better jump on the band wagon. In my blogs I will be clebrating my art as well as others people arts that I really like and wish to share.  You will see the struggle of an artist as well as the good times, the failures and the successes.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I have been a stained glass artist since 1983 when I was talked into taking a stained glass class after college. A hobby quickly turned into a business. I opened up a retail store under the name of Carter's Stained Glass in Maryville, Tennessee, where I has gone to college, and operated it from 1988-2006. I did custom work, repair, classes, sold supplies, and my hand made gift items. 2006 brought me back to the Nashville, Tennessee area where I was born and raised to help take care of parents and a family business. My husbands health was going down as well, due to Parkinson's, so my time for art was limited to a few hours a week. I did remodel the barn on the property we bought in Kingston Springs, TN and added the studio to the loft area. I had always wanted to learn how to do pottery and told myself that when I was not so tied down to a retail store I was going to learn. I took some classes, bought a used Brent wheel and small Skutt kiln and off I went. Now I can choose 'Do I want to do stained glass or pottery today'??

Currently I do a few crafts show, teach classes in the barn studio, sell my stained glass and pottery on my Etsy site under the name of Barncatstudio, have a few open house events here at the house, and have a few items for sale at the Milo Gallery In Kingston Springs, TN.

I hope you will check back from time to time to see what is new and what is celebrated in my blog.



  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Cat! :) Do you have a Twitter account? It's like blogging in 140 characters or less, which is a challenge sometimes!


  2. No, just facebook. I am working on linking this bog to it right now.
