My Barn Studio

My Barn Studio
Where the magic happens!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Finding Time For It All

Now that it is gardening time, I am finding it really hard to stay in the studio and get things done. Plants are calling, the sun is warming my face, and I would much rather be playing with plants then doing stained glass work. I have always been multifaceted and interested in many things, but sometime it gets overwhelming, especially this time of year.
I have always been good at keeping organized and operating from lists so I am really using them this time of year to stay on track. I make lists of what I need to get accomplished that day and try to stick to it as best as possible. I usually garden in the early morning before it gets too hot and then again in the evening when it cools off. Mid day takes me to the studio to get 3-5 hours in.
I often get asked ‘why don’t you just go to the store and buy your food and not bother taking all that time’. I have always tended to be one who wanted to live off the land and my little 6 acres ‘farm’ lets me do that. I have always been one to do things as environmentally friendly as possible and organic gardening, where I am putting up my own veggies for winter, is part of that way of life. I even have a pet chicken that lays eggs for me and keeps the bugs at bay.
So, here I am up at 5:00 a.m. listening to the first birds chirp, have my coffee, watching the chicken take her first pecks at the ground, and looking at my list for the day. I am longing for it to get light enough to go commune with nature. Ah, the good life!!

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